Climate Action Workshop 2024
I talked about our new large-scale research project called #ManyDesignsCarbon. It is an innovative crowd-science
initiative focused on exploring the influence of behavioral
interventions on the social support for carbon pricing. This project unites research teams from across the globe, ranging from PhD students to full professors, to develop and
propose experimental designs. Each team of up to two researchers will address a critical question: "What is the impact of behavioral interventions on the real-world support for a price of carbon?" The spirit of the project is to tackle the introduction or substantial increase in the price of carbon, aiming to
advance towards social carbon pricing. Following the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2023) a lower-bound estimate
of the carbon price that incorporates all social costs is $120 per tonne of CO2, which would equal about $1.00 per
gallon of gasoline. Project coordinators will jointly analyze the results from around 40 proposed designs to develop a comprehensive
metascience paper, co-authored by all participants whose designs were implemented. The study will highlight variations
in design choices and their results, accelerating knowledge generation within the field by years as dozens of designs
are developed simultaneously instead of partly sequentially.